4 Standing Ab exercises; You're Not Doing, That You Should Be
We all know that our core is the powerhouse of our body, being so we have to make sure it remains the most secure, balanced and strong. Adding these four exercises into your routine will not only add variety, but will also add the stability and blance that you might be lacking. So take a few minutes to get up off of the floor and start to strengthen your core.
1. The Side Bend
This is a classic abdominal move, this move is excellnet for increased lateral mobility, transverse extension and abdominal flexion.
What it works
Medial Deltoids,
Interal, external obliques, erctor spinae
The movement
With a small weight in one of your hands, you are going to slightly bend your knees, stand up straight and tilt your torso into your hips. You should be focusing on pulling your bellybutton into your stomach as you feel your rib cage tighten up. From here your next focus is exhaling as you tilt your rib cage towards your hip bone, once you've reached a full contraction, exhale and return to the neutral position.
Perform between 15-20 of these each side, for sets of 3-5, as this becomes easier over time, lightly increase your weight.
2. Standing Oblique Twist
This movemnet is great for transverse movements in athletics, both competitive and recreational. Some examples include but aren't limited to tennis, golf, baseball, lacrosse, swimming and more.
What it Works
Medial Deltoids, Internal Obliques, External Obliques, erector Spinae
The Movement
3. Wood Chop With Alternate Knee Raise
What it Works
The Movement